Sunday, July 18, 2010

Life in a one-sided marriage

It's funny how when you meet someone and in time you find they are everything that you ever wanted in a spouse/mate (At least until the day you say, " I DO " or there shortly after). Why is it that once you put a ring on it  life tends to end instead of being a new beginning?
It just seems all so perfect in the beginning and then before too long, you realize the person you thought you married really isn't the same person you fell in-love with. I find myself asking the question Why? Why do people change so drastically?
I can't seem to fathom how when you are getting to know someone and things are going great and you learn each others likes, dislikes, wants and even needs etc., how they can betray you like they do.
I recall countless times sitting down with my spouse and trying to communicate with him about issues that would arise and I would get absolutely no response from him. Was he like this before we married? Not by any means. We use to talk for hours! Maybe, he just ran out of things to talk about, I don't know. But I do know he is not the man I fell in love with.
I have pondered to myself over and over again, was I just being one of those so-called nagging wives? According to him, I was not and am not? So what is the deal that he can't/won't communicate?
I have tried on numerous occasions talking with him about us. Wanting to get his perspective on what he felt my faults were and vice versa? He tells me there is nothing wrong with me. That he has no problem with me?
I ask him what his needs and wants and ambitions are or even goals and he has NOTHING? Everyone has ambitions and goals don't they?
Why is it or shall I say, "What is it that people are afraid of when it comes to communication?" When there are issues in our marriage, what is it that he is so afraid of that he can't confront them? Sure, I understand there are a lot of people who are afraid of confrontation but give me a break when it's your marriage at stake you'd think that a little communication is not gonna hurt.
I believe that when you are with someone via married or not, it is important to always keep that flame burning to the best of your abilities. I also feel that you should pay compliments to one another for it lets them know you appreciate even the littlest things that they do! So please make sure you give your significant other a compliment (to them and not through text or phone) and always always appreciate what people do for you!
When is the last time you gave your loved one a compliment?
Until next time....God Bless!!!

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